Toilet talk

Today I read this post over at Stacy’s Random Thoughts.  It’s one of those stories that’s been circulating the internet for several years.  It’s always funny though.  Always.  Reading it reminded me of the squatty potties I became so proficient at using in Turkey.  For those of you who haven’t ever seen a squatty…

Here you are.  A somewhat clean squatty…because you don’t want to see what a dirty one looks like!  You’re welcome.  

How to use: Stand on the foot treads and squat all the way down keeping your balance without holding on to anything or touching the nasty floor. At the same time you must hold on to the tissue that you brought with you since most squatty stalls don’t have any. If you are carrying a purse or have a jacket you must hold them as well since hooks are very few and far between.  If you are wearing pants you will want to roll them up a bit so that they don’t touch the floor which is always wet and could have actual running water flowing over it. To flush: Pour a small pitcher of water (located under the faucet that won’t turn off all the way…hence the wet floor… which is just outside of my picture near the stall door) in the toilet, or press a button on the wall making sure to stand at the extreme side of the stall so that your shoes don’t get wet with the spray coming from the two small holes at the back of the toilet. Fun times!

If you ever want to take a trip to a place with squatties I’ll gladly go with you.  I think everyone should try their hand at this extreme sport!  I’ll even hold your purse and coat for you although it will take away from the experience!

2 responses »

  1. I encountered these in both Tanzania and Saudi Arabia. You figure it out pretty quickly! 🙂

  2. This does not look fun at all. Some time I’ll tell you about how I had typhoid fever with unbelievable diarrhea and all I had was a small hole in the ground with three bricks stacked on each side, one for each cheek. It was not good.


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